Our Company and its Executives are certified by the Economic Chamber, the Ministry of Finance and the General Secretariat for Information Systems (GSIS) – Taxisnet (www.gsis.gr), and hold an Accountant – Tax Consultant Α’ degree premium license and a license to practice an Economic profession.
We have the specialized knowledge, many years of experience and professional adequacy required to provide the said services and therefore we firmly believe that we can help businessmen and investors in planning, organizing, implementing and applying their business and investment plans. We are ready to deal with any problems you might be facing regarding financial management, accounting organization, tax solutions, financial and administrative support on behalf of your business.
The owners of ETAIRIKI AXIA have been providing comprehensive Accountant - Business Consultant services for over 40 years during which they have been called to find solutions to all kinds of problems related to economic, accounting, tax, financial and organizational support of the business and the businessman himself, regardless of the severity and the complexity of the problem.
We provide support that varies from the simplest procedure to the last detail giving advice, direction and suggestions for any business segment. We provide all services ourselves or in collaboration with our associates along with monitoring and support, offering direct and reliable services.
The dynamics generated by receiving one of our services is not simply the adding up of individual advantages but the multiplication thereof. Be sure that the first to benefit from choosing one of our services shall be you and your business.
We suggest trying collaborating with us and allow us to find ways, means and ideas to achieve the best possible financial management, tax alleviation and business success for you and your business within the framework of Economic, Accounting, Tax and Financial Consultancy Services.
So, if you don’t want to be troubled with monitoring your business’ financial progress or the Tax Authorities, saving time and gaining reliability in your transactions with third parties (public authorities, banks, customers, suppliers, etc.), you can choose our company as your partner for the provision of comprehensive economic, accounting, tax, financial and consulting services with a guaranteed result and high quality services.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further details. We are looking forward to collaborate with you.